The Value of 1878 Morgan Silver Dollar

The most frequently asked question about 1878 Morgan silver dollar is How much its value is. To find the answer of "how much is a 1878 Morgan silver dollar worth?" You need to see  at least two aspects which lead to the accurate calculation of the value of 1878 Morgan silver dollar

The first thing need to see is whether the 1878 Morgan dollar was circulated or uncirculated coin. Let's see the example, according to the Professional Coin Grading Service which we know as PCGS the value of circulated 1878 Morgan dollars minted for Philadelphia and San Francisco are at $18 to $26 per silver coin. Again PCGS said that the value of  1878 Morgan silver dollars minted for Carson City is at $100 per coin. This calculated value was made in 2009. In the other hand, still according to PCGS, the value uncirculated1878 Morgan silver dollars minted for Philadelphia and San Francisco are at level of $42 to $90 per silver coin and the uncirculated coins minted for Carson City Morgan are at $200 or more.

The second thing to consider is the 1878 Morgan silver dollar tail feathers. We all know that there was an occasional error of the tail of the eagle in the 1878 Morgan silver dollar. Still according to PGS, the eight tail feathers 1878 Morgan dollar has worth of $38 to $85 for circulated coin and $125 or more for the uncirculated silver coins. PCGS.

Actually the values for 1878 Morgan Dollar is related to the current price of silver. The silver price is provided in Troy ounces. For example, the spot price of silver was $32.68, on April 3, 2012 . When it is multiplied by the price for silver .7735, it will give you the rough value of the silver in a 1878 Morgan Dollar. This calculating way to the Morgan silver is commonly known as THE MELT VALUE. So on April 3, the melt value of Morgan silver dollar was considered of $25.28

However, in the coin market, we can assume that the value of dollar coin which is in poor condition will be considered as around $33. While the silver coin which is perfect condition can be valued in $55000. On September 28, 2012, the rounded silver value for the 1878 Morgan silver dollar is $26.6453. There is not fixed price for this old 1878 Morgan silver dollar value, so check to your trusty dealer is the best way to know the actual value of 1878 Morgan silver dollar.
Source of 1878 Morgan silver dollar value:

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